Mystery Mart - Final Update for Now

The level Mystery Mart is complete! Well... Unless one day I plan to make a revival/adaptation.


Since the last update, I have added particle effects, audio effects, audio source edits, a working timer, updated text functions, two sets of sliding doors (as well as scripts to go along with them).

Unity decided to be a bit buggy, and even refused to delete the TEMP folder which wouldn't permit my laptop to save any work. Had to find a workaround to force delete that folder, and then I was finally able to make the necessary changes to complete my level.

One more change I didn't mention before was to lessen the motion for those who might be sensitive, I reduced the automated head-bobbing of the first-person character, and also placed the the cart and hands on its own render layer with a separate camera.

To play the game via HTML5 (Your modern web browser should be compatible), please click HERE.

To view the winning and losing conditions without playing, please see the video below:
